Montag, 15. August 2011

The Help

Ich komme grade aus dem Kino in Greenwich. Jenni und ich hatten heute beide frei & haben uns verabredet. Erst sind wir in Greenwich ein wenig rumgelaufen, wenn man diesen Ort googelt findet man einen Eintrag bei Wikipedia der lautet:" Hat den Ruf der Vorort der Reichen zu sein". Und das hat sich heute aufjeden Fall bestaetigt. Aber das krasseste ist das man Amerikanern einfach nicht ansieht das sie Geld haben. Jenni und ich sind zb bei Saks Fith Avenue reingegangen, so ein Laden der Sachen von Chanel, Prada, Gucci etc. verkauft. Und da standen zwei Frauen die anscheinend gut betucht waren aber Sportsachen anhatten und ueberhaupt nicht reich aussahen. Und auch den Laden sieht man nicht immer direkt an das da viel Geld drin steckt. So ein kleiner Ramschladen entpuppte sich dann aufeinmal als Laden wo eine Handtasche 1000$ kostet. Das ist schon krass iwie :D Danach sind wir dann halt ins Kino gegangen und zwar in den Film "The Help". Und der hat sich von mir aufjeden Fall 10 von 10 Sternen verdient.
Die Zusammenfassung von dem Film bei Wikipedia ist:

The Help is set in the early 1960s in Jackson, Mississippi and told from the perspective of three women:Aibileen, Minny, and Skeeter. Aibileen is an African-American maid who cleans houses and cares for the young children of various white families. Her first job since her own 24-year-old son was killed on his job, is caring for toddler Mae Mobley Leefolt. Minny is Aibileen's confrontational friend who frequently tells her employers what she thinks of them. Her actions have led to her being fired from 19 jobs. Minny's most recent employer was Mrs. Walters, mother of Hilly Holbrook. Hilly is the social leader of the community, and head of the Junior League. She is the nemesis of all three main characters.
Miss Eugenia "Skeeter" Phelan is the daughter of a prominent white family whose cotton farm employs many African-Americans in the fields, as well as in the household. Skeeter has just finished college and comes home with big dreams of becoming a writer; her mother's big dream for her is to get her married, although Skeeter is not interested. What does interest her is that Constantine, the maid who raised her, is nowhere to be found: Skeeter's family tells her that Constantine abruptly quit and went to live with relatives in Chicago. Constantine had been writing to Skeeter the whole time she was away at college and the most recent letter had promised her a surprise upon her homecoming. Skeeter does not consider Constantine's unexplained absence a good surprise and wonders what happened, but nobody will discuss Constantine.
During the weekly bridge club that Skeeter attends with Hilly, Mrs. Walters, and Elizabeth Leefolt, Hilly discusses her belief that all homes should have separate bathroom facilities for the "colored" help. This discussion awakens Skeeter to the realization that her friends' maids are treated very differently from how white people are treated. She decides that she wants to reveal the truth to the world from the maids' perspectives by writing a book about it. Written in the first person from the perspective of Aibileen, Minny and Skeeter, the struggles Skeeter experiences to communicate to the maids and gain their trust is revealed, as well as the issues of overcoming long-standing barriers in customs and laws by all of the characters. The daily lives of Southern homemakers and their maids during the early 1960's in Mississippi are explored. The dangers of undertaking writing a book about African-Americans speaking out in the early 60's hover constantly over the three women.

Sorry, iwie habe ich es auf Deutsch nicht gefunden. Der Film war aufjeden Fall sehr emotional und ich habe sehr mitgefuehlt. Auch weil ich ja das halbe Jahr in Mississippi gelebt habe. Kann ich aufjeden Fall  nur jedem Empfehlen, ich glaube in Deutschland erscheint der Film im Herbst. Ich werde morgen in der Buecherei direkt mal gucken ob ich das Buch dazu bekomme :-)

1 Kommentar:

  1. i hope you read the book! the movie was made in jackson. we read the book in book club :) Emily
